Friday 26 August 2011

The Salt Lake Loonie: and other stories every sports fan should know by Brett Matlock and Jesse Matlock

I love sports in all forms: I play, watch and follow sports whenever time will allow it. Sometimes my schedule works around when the next Oiler or Stampeder game is televised. Needless to say, sports are an obsession to me. So when I find a sports book that interests me and is entertaining, I must tell everyone about it. That is the case with The Salt Lake Loonie.

Written by brothers Brett and Jesse Matlock, this book tells readers about sporting stories throughout the ages. From the ancient Olympics in Greece to the loonie at centre ice at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, the Matlocks tell entertaining, inspiring and tragic sporting stories from all over the world. Did you know that there is no film footage of Wilt Chamberlain’s 100 point game on March 2, 1962 in one of the NBA’s highest scoring games? Or that Tony Hawk became a professional skateboarder at the tender age of 14?

Including stories about the woman who won the Boston Marathon by taking a shortcut, the tragic 1955 Le Mans endurance race that killed over 80 people when a pit stop went catastrophically wrong and Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope, there is something in this book for everyone to gasp at in awe or shake their collective heads over. The only downside to the book is that there are no pictures but the stories are short and entertaining and I would recommend this book to anyone especially teenage boys.

Stay tuned - this book will be in our catalogue soon!

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